We drove up to Phipps Farm & Country Store today. That is in
Pescadaro. What? Where is
Pescadaro? South & inland from Half Moon Bay. Gorgeous country. The folks there grow beans. Lots of beans. Here is my take home collection.

We will be having chili, bean soup, bean stew, beans on the side. Stuff like that. All winter.

The weather was amazing. We took a long walk. We fed carrots to the farm animals. We played on tons of rusted tractors. We had a good time on the farm.
Nice! I was just telling Jason I'd like to start buying my own beans. My goal heading into 2010 is to no longer buy canned food... so beans and soups will need to be made from scratch as well.
I love your selection!
Great Stef! It is so much cheaper! You just have to start you beans the day before. But, it is not hard. Just takes a little forethought.
It can be a nasty meal, if you didn't start them soon enough. I've done that way too many times! Bleck!
I LOVE that picture of Mo and Jacob, so so so cute!
We used to go to Phipp's when Hannah and Jonathan were little. I love that place and the drive there. We almost moved to Pescadero, we loved it there so much!
Great pics of you and the kiddos :)
P.S. The beans look great.
Nice! I was just telling Jason I'd like to start buying my own beans. My goal heading into 2010 is to no longer buy canned food... so beans and soups will need to be made from scratch as well.
I love your selection!
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