Gillian & I had to drive over to Saratoga yesterday, with her having refused to take her nap, prior to this excursion. We were in for a rather tumultuous ride, I knew. During such occasions, Gillian requires music. Or, she often resorts to screaming. But, several months ago, I had my car battery replaced, thus locking my radio/stereo. But, who needs radio? I know songs....
Her favorite seems to be Amazing Grace. That is one of my favorites, too. Because, I know all the words to all the verses! With other songs, I'll begin, thinking "I know this one, no worries". Then, mid-song, my mind goes blank. Oh, I guess I don't know most of it... And, if such a pause lasts too long, the screaming will then recommence. It's best to stick to what you know...