
Friday, May 11, 2012

Teach Them {to know Him who knows}

As much as I want to know my children well, 
I know I am not the one who will ever know them completely. 
Don’t we all want to be known? 
If it was all up to the mom & dad or the spouse or whomever 
to know a person all the way,
then every person would still be deeply lonely.
But we aren’t left alone.

To be fully known & to still be accepted & cherished can be found only in God. 
More than my desire to know my children is my desire for them to know God.
I want them to know the greatness of God; His love, His power, His mercy.
I want them to know God intimately; as Father, as Comforter, as Counselor.

We all know we can’t just make this come to be.  
So as parents, what can we do?
I want to make known to my children who God is, 
in my attitude, my words, my actions, my decisions.
I fail every day.  So, it is a good thing that I can’t make all this come to be. 
I am thankful God is the one who can draw them to Himself & make Himself known.
I am humbled that He would welcome me to take part in His work.

“…and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them
when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up…”

Can we encourage each other as we work to pass on to the next generation, 
what we know of God?
I want to host a weekly link up here.  
Every Friday, come & share a thought from your week.
Did you teach of God when you dug in the garden?  
Did you teach of God when you broke up a fight between siblings?
Did you teach of God when you encouraged diligent work? 
A prayer, a song, a game, a craft, a meal – whatever it was, 
share it here with us on Fridays
& read what truths others passed on & let’s be inspired.

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