
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Identity {5 minute Friday}

I know I am late - but I writing with Lisa-Jo & friends about Identity 
for Five Minute Friday...


I am Erin- third born, home-schooled, church going my whole life.

When I moved from being a daughter in my parent’s home,
one of the biggest parts of me was changing drastically. 
I am still the same daughter, but it is different.

I am Mrs. and I love that part of me.  But that has not always been me.

I am mom to a team of tiny, energetic, smarty-pants kids. 
That takes most of what I have every day.
 But that will not always be.  They will grow, my role as mom will morph.

I am a good cook,
but sometimes I put a bad meal (or none at all) on the table.
I love flowers & I love arranging them, but it’s okay if I don’t get much chance to do so.

I have bangs, but plan to grow them out (if I can muster the patience).
I love to wear heals & dresses, but most days I wear jeans & a t-shirt.

There is so much that is part of me.  Most of it is forever changing, though. 
So where does the heart of my identity rest? 

In Jesus - from beginning to end. 
Whatever may come.

I am His daughter.  He formed me in my mother’s womb.
 He had a perfect plan for me then.
He still does.  He is still forming me. 
I am His creation - in process.
That is who I am.

1 comment:

  1. Gave me chills. :)

    The heart of my identity rests in Christ as well.

    Also? I am " third born, home-schooled, church going my whole life" too.

    We would have SO MUCH to talk about in real life...


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