
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Counting Blessings {happy hollow}

Probably most of you all know abou
Ann Voskamp's journal challenge to folks to keep track of all the gifts they are grateful for.
Well, I started that a long time agototally failed to keep it up.

I am not ready to re-commito doing this for an extended time period.  
I will, however, attempto count my gifts through November.

(Can you believe we are well into November?!  
I planned to write this post a week ago.  See?  So far, not so good.)

I goto 13 last summer.  So, here we start a

14.  last minute family holiday at Happy Hollow

15.  Hummingbirds, returning to our backyard.

16.  Having Scott who is happy to share & do life with me. 

17.  Peyton's sense of humor.

 18. Moira's joy.

19.  Gillian's imagination.

20.  Gorgeous November weather. 

21.  Picnics

22.  Kendall's teeth coming through.

23.  Being able to watch Kendall explore & discover.

24.  Brave kids who love a good thrill.

25.  Coconut Curry in the freezer for dinner after a long day.


  1. I love these pictures...the everyday carnival AT the carnival! Beauties, each!

  2. oh my goodness, those were awesome pictures! Love this idea - I've not heard of it, so I'll enjoy reading them on your blog!

  3. Those photos are great! And I love the things you were thankful for too.


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