
Sunday, July 17, 2011

What's the Point {of at home dates}?

We've been doing a weekly date night at home for the past month or so. 

We've done some Dinners at Eight - having a special dinner together, post kid bed time.
None of those dinners were private, peaceful date dinners.  
The kids needed repeated correction to "get back in bed", "stop shouting", & the like.
In short, they didn't fall asleep in a timely manner.

The last two weeks I was lacking in physical & creative energy.  
So, we were simpler.  
One week, after a regular family meal & kid bedtime, 
we shared cheese & wine & watched Smokey & the Bandit.

This week, we did one of my "to do" items together.
We iced the sugar cookies that I was making for a church event.

That sounds kinda sneaky of me, to make my husband help me with my projects.
But, he's really good at decorating cookies.
Our first Christmas together,
we made fancy monogram cookies for almost every person we knew.
(not quite.  but, we made a lot.)
His were spectacular.  He has icing skills.

Anyway.  These date nights.
Not too glamorous.  I know.
And besides, you may be thinking,
didn't you write a blog post about how you shouldn't need date nights for a good marriage?
Why yes.  I did.
And I still believe that.
I am not sitting at my computer,
worried about your marriage, if you don't have a regular date night.

So what's the point?
If they are usually interrupted by children
& they are unnecessary anyway?

My point is making priorities clear.
My husband is the person who matters most to me.
My point is being intentional to show love.
My point is making time to talk to each other,
without having to repeatedly ask the youngins to stop interrupting.
My point is trying to be creative for my husband.

Date night is one way I can do these things.
But, it is not the only way.
Do it your way.
Whatever your way may be.

linking up with Picture Me {im}Perfectly - dating my husband


  1. your cookies look amazing! Love the colors.

    Lucas and I love just spending time together after we've put the girls down. Sometimes we watch a movie with a fun drink or sit on a bear bait and hunt, or just reading snuggled up together.

  2. Good stuff, Erin. Well said!

  3. So well said, Erin.

    Your children are seeing that you are placing a lot of importance on your relationship. I remember my mom and dad having evenings when they would go into their room with a plate of munchies and have a nice evening and we were instructed not to bother them. Even though I know we did bug them here and there, we saw that their relationship was very important.

    And if you keep doing this on a regular basis, they will get more used to mom and dad being unavailable. With older kids, I can say that does happen at some point. :-)

  4. i love this. thank you for sharing your heart and for linking up!

  5. It's true. Intentional time spent together is so important. Glad he was able to help you with those cookies! :) That could be fun...

  6. A beautiful, non-judgmental, well-thought-out post! I admire your intentionality.


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