
Friday, May 27, 2011

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Being back home is so nice.
That was almost 3 weeks of planting in Butte Valley. 
Once we hit the 2 week mark of being away from home,
it starts to get old; for all of us.
Scott is still working, & more than a normal work week.
So, it is not a vacation.

But, there is a lot we like about going to Macdoel.
It is a break in routine for the kids, but still familiar.
So, they feel comfortable since we go twice a year.

We like having country time.
The kids gave the horses their own names – Star, Paint & Ahmaria.
The big sky.  The bald eagles.  The tractors.
I like when the smell coming through my car vents is fresh dirt.
That happens here. 
Husband’s truck always smells like fresh dirt.  But here, my car does too.

(I usually take tons of picturew when we are there.
But, I didn't this time.
Look at old posts for Macdoel images.
I even missed an excellent bald eagle photo op on a misty morning.)

The internet at the house in Macdoel has always been spotty.
But, this time it was non-existent.
I am pretty dependent on the web.  So, that was a bit of a bummer.
I had to go sit in the office & try to keep all the kids in good behavior,
while I tried to do anything in the internet. 
It was a challenge. 
And I didn’t get to read many blogs.  Boo.

Here’s something big that I missed in the blog world. 
Thank you to all my friends who took part in the Love for Anika party.
You know something I love about the blog world?
It really helps people come to together,
throwing in their own little gift, & make a big impact.

Not only what Love is doing in gathering funds for Anika.
There is Heather & her Joyful Library.
There is Jeanett & her fundraising at Life Rearranged.
And so much more that I don’t know about. 
Tell us if you know of a blog project,
gathering up everyone’s effort to make a big impact.


Share with us what you're thinking! We'd love to hear from you!