
Friday, November 5, 2010

When You're in the Third

That's Moira's head in the center of the photo.  She wouldn't stay still, little squirm bug...

I am now in the third trimester.
I started feeling a bit third trimester-ish a couple weeks ago.
So, it is good to actually be there now.
I feel sore with all my spreading ligaments & all that sort of third trimester stuff.  
I get worn out so easily.
But, the nesting has set in.
I am scrubbing out my dishwasher,
sanitizing my fridge,
organizing closets,
getting rid of stuff,
& feeling rather bored of the blog world.

Peyton has also been working on getting things looking lovely around here.


  1. you're in the third trimester already! Wow... that went very fast, for me ;-)

  2. Elena misses you guys! She saw this picture and said "I go to Gillian's house now, okay?"

  3. The 3rd trimester already? It seems like just yesterday that you were announcing your pregnancy (I'm sure it seems much longer to you...). ;)

    Thinking of you,

  4. Krista - tell Lanie to get better soon & we will see her soon!!

  5. The 3rd trimester already? It seems like just yesterday that you were announcing your pregnancy (I'm sure it seems much longer to you...). ;)

    Thinking of you,

  6. Elena misses you guys! She saw this picture and said "I go to Gillian's house now, okay?"


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