
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

f is for fish - preschool week wrap up

f is for fish

Man.  This alphabet craft card was tedious.  But, the kids love it.

Reading -

Rainbow Fish

Everyone knows Rainbow Fish, right?  He's the most beautiful fish in the sea.  
He learns that happiness comes when you share your blessings, 
rather than hoard them to yourself.

Fish is Fish
Cute story about a fish & a tadpole friendship.  
The fish learns to be content in his fishy state.

Crinkleroot's Guide to 25 Fish Every Child Should Know
This is the first of the Crinkleroot Jr. Nature Guides that I have seen & I loved it. 
The pictures are beautiful.  I want to see the rest of the series.

 Letter Recognition -

They listened & looked for the letter "f" as I read, then circled them all.

  • The foxy freshwater fish tried to avoid the fly fisherman.
  • Those four friends feel like their fried fish fingers are a foodie feast.
  • The freckled frog freaked out when his fort caught fire.

Games - 
We talked about "schooling" fish &
then we played follow the leader & Simon Says.

Rhyme & Finger Play - 
We learned a nursery rhyme -
One, Two, Three, Four, Five,
Once I caught a fish alive.....

Check out a little lesson on the nursery rhyme here at First School.

Math -

We practiced counting & number recognition,
counting goldfish crackers into a muffin tin.

Art -
I drew a rainbow fish for both of the kids onto watercolor paper. 
For their artwork, they used watercolor pencils & 
then a wet brush to paint their fish.
Watercolor pencils make for a tidy painting experience.
Then mom added some glitter spots for some shimmer.
But, baby Mo was quick & dumped a whole bottle of glitter all over the table. 
We were the sparkle family.
So much for tidy.

* We were out of town for fish week.  So we didn't do tons. 
We will just have a review week this week & jump into the letter "g" next week.


  1. I continue to be impressed by your creativity and energy.

  2. I continue to be impressed by your creativity and energy.


Share with us what you're thinking! We'd love to hear from you!