
Monday, August 31, 2009

Making Cheap Look Good

I didn't want to post this on my floral blog. But, I had to tell you friends. I went to the flower grower this morning. I got enough flowers to make these 4 arrangements.

One is with flash & one is not. Sorry the lighting is so lame.

I made all this for only $10! I am so proud of myself for spending so little at the coolers & getting so much out of it.

A Child is Born

Flowers for a new little baby girl!


Moira is almost 4 months old. I finally took some more photos of her this week. She now seems to enjoy laying down, rather than sitting in her bouncy seat. She will enjoy her activity mat for about 15 minutes or so, before freaking out for some special attention.

update: This tummy in the last shot is cracking me up. I love it.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Professional Ones

Raya, of the Paper Pony, gave me some copies of some of her photos from the Hannah/Kyle wedding last week. I am do glad to have such great shots of the bouquet. Check them out. Great photos make lovely flowers look even lovelier! Thank Raya!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Vintage Styling Under the Redwoods

Hannah & Kyle got married under the central California coast redwood trees today. The same spot where my husband & I got married 5 years ago. It was so fun to be part of another wedding there.

Moss & branches & vintage fabrics were in abundance.

I love the flowers of late summer!

These gorgeous Dahlias were fresh from the most amazing Dahlia farm, just down the road. There, Kevin breeds & grows his own dahlia varieties. If you are ever in the area, arrange to visit the farm. It will not disappoint. The Watsonville area has great flower growers!

Keep your eye on the Paper Pony for better photos. She & Levi Matthew were the photography duo extraordinaire.

Under the Redwoods

I had a wedding job today. Watch for more to come at Eadams Designs.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Man's Flowers

My photos don't do justice. But, here are my husband's currently blooming orchids. He has more amazing orchid plants, He is nursing them back into blooming season. We love having these beauties in our dining room!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tea Next Door

Earlier this week, some newish neighbors invited us over for afternoon tea. The kids had a blast. They had their own table, fully equipped with their own tea set & goodies.

Peyton ate mostly whipped cream. You can see after affects here.

We look forward to getting to know Paul & Mary better.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Green Onions Galore

Gillian got sick in the middle of the night last night. Now she already seems better. Now I think I am sick. Hopefully my sickness will be done as soon as hers was.

I don't feel too sad about being sick, though. My husband is bringing home pizza for us. Nice. He is also bringing home our farm box.

Getting the farm box is one of his favorite things to do. He likes to be the one to be able to make the trade. At each pick up site, the farm leaves a trade box with one item in it. You can take that item, if you would like to leave one of your items in the box. (Hence the name, trade box.) If we get strawberries in our farm share, Scott is committed to never taking them home (as they cannot compare to Wellpict berries). So, he nearly always has a trade to make. Because of this, we have had a lot of green onions lately. I am really hoping the trade item is not green onions this evening. I don't know what I will do if it is. Oh wait. No, I do know. I will make some of this Pistou. It is yummy & simple. It uses only a few ingredients, two of each we have in plenty during this season (e.i. dill weed & green onions). Plus, it is called Pistou. Who could resist a good Pistou?

We ate this on top of Salmon for our midday meal today. That was tasty. I mixed it into rice for the kids. They loved it. Peyton kept saying "mmmmmmmmmm" while he was eating. Gillian squealed, "There is grass in the rice? You picked grass for this, for me? Oh! I like it!"

It would probably go with potatoes, too. And other stuff.

recipe from Bon Appetit

Chunky Dill Pistou

1/3 C. chopped fresh Dill Weed

1/3 C. finely chopped Green Onions

1/2 C. finely chopped toasted Almonds (or pistachios)

1/4 C. extra-virgin Olive Oil

Mix 'em all together & season with some salt & pepper.

So, there's a recipe to throw in the recipe rodeo ring.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

This is just a brief message to say - I hope today gets better. I feel like a zombie.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Giselle & Mark

Giselle & Mark had a beautiful wedding in Santa Cruz, California.
I loved being able to create the bouquets & flower girl pomanders for their special day.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Giselle's Wedding

Yesterday was our friend Giselle's wedding. I loved having the privilege of doing her bouquets. She & I were both happy with how it turned out.

The cute little flower girls carried these.

The bride, right before the wedding.

Moira missed most of the ceremony.

The bridesmaids wore this beautiful blue.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Peoples

Moira missed most of the reception, too.
But, Scott & I enjoyed it.

It was a great wedding. Congratulations Mark & Giselle!