
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tea Next Door

Earlier this week, some newish neighbors invited us over for afternoon tea. The kids had a blast. They had their own table, fully equipped with their own tea set & goodies.

Peyton ate mostly whipped cream. You can see after affects here.

We look forward to getting to know Paul & Mary better.


  1. How fun! That is actually one of the things I have been meaning to get soon, a little kid's tea set. Do your neighbor's have any kids? Or was she just stocked up on all that cool stuff?

  2. LOVE that your neighbors had you over for tea! That is SO fun!

  3. They have grown sons. So, they are in the "waiting for grandkids" mode!

  4. I love how Gillian looks like such a Mommy to Peyton in that last picture :)

  5. Weird, I just noticed that I have posted 3 blog posts in the last few days, and your blogroll still says it has been 6 days!!


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