
Monday, October 27, 2008

Last Week in Macdoel

Last week, Peyton started sitting up & crawling on the same day. Then later in the week, he started babbling a lot & pulling himself to stand!

Gillian is happy because she was just doing a lot of "buing" with her dad. We don't know why... but that is the way she says "running".

The Weekend Activities in Klamath Falls

We had a good weekend. The weather & the fall color scenery were perfect.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If I Had This, I Would

Peyton has become very hungry for more than milk this past month. I have to feed him "food" a few times a day. Blah! And, he doesn't have any teeth yet. My sister & mom were giving me a hard time for feeding him store-bought food. Well, I would make it myself - if I had this contraption.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not the Real Thing

We went to get our pumpkins & gourds today. Autumn is here! But, we didn't go to a real pumpkin patch. We got them at a local coffee shop! So, I took these photos of the kids in our own yard, when we got home.
The pale orange pumpkin is huge. I could barely carry it out of my car. We happened to see my brother at the coffee shop, and he helped us carry all of our pumpkins.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Fun Thing

So, I took my kids to the park today. I know that doesn't sound very special. But, it is. They never get to do fun stuff like that. They are usually forced to sweep the floor & do laundry all day.
But, yesterday, I decided -I will take to the kids to the park. I will. So, we went. We went to the park I had been thinking of going to for a while. We got there, made a run to the potty, then packed up the stroller with our lunch & all necessary supplies & headed down the trail. Then I began to wonder - where is the park? So, I asked a park maintenance woman, "Where is the playground? Is there stroller access to it?!" "The playground burned down years ago." "Oh. Wow."
This was a disappointment for all of us. But, Gillian was the only one totally screaming.
The story ends happy, though. The park lady told me of a very cool park, that I didn't know existed. Seascape park. Oceanview. Nice trails. Nice lawn. Little kid sized slides....
All who live nearby - let's go there & play together sometime.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


On Sunday night, my kids got a new cousin. Elena Marie Sobrak-Seaton was born! We got to visit her yesterday. She is precious. Pray for her, as she is in the NICU right now. She may have a chest infection. Hopefully it is nothing too serious!

She's Two

Yesterday, Gillian turned 2! We had a little family party for her on Sunday. None of the pictures turned out very good. Here are the only decent ones.
Auntie Leah made her this great sock monkey.

I made her her own mei tai carrier for her baby. She's really into babywearing!

Gillian was so happy about her birthday party. There were many squeals & cheers. It was pretty fun for us to see!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Brewery

We spent a bit of time in Fort Collins, CO, during our vacation. They have a cool old town. And, they have New Belgium Brewery - maker of Fat Tire! We got a free tour & tasting. Both very cool.
Gillian was tired. But, loved the "pack-pack". So, she survived.

The Fat Tires

At New Belgium Brewery, you get a special, limited edition bike, after working there one year.

Four Free

At the New Belgium Brewery, they give you four free tasters. FREE. Look how full the glasses were, too! We were unable to finish our free brew, since we only had 30 minutes.
They had some excellent beers on tap, that we have never seen elsewhere. I'm not sure how to go about getting some of them. We really liked Abbey. It is actually the very first recipe the brewmaster ever created & it has won many awards.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Little Traveller

Gillian loved all the buses & planes she got to ride on our trip. SO EXCITING. Here she is trying to wait patiently to leave for the trip. She was all packed. Hippo in the sand bucket & the bug house around her neck...

Rocky Mountain

We went on vacation last week, to Colorado. We had some good times! One day, we went hiking at Rocky Mountain Park. It was lovely. The weather was perfect, and the aspen trees had turned golden. First we hiked up to Nymph Lake. Gillian got a little close - into the swampy edge...

We took a break to eat the lunch that Scott had packed for us. Although it looks like I am feeding him a Hershey's bar, Peyton is actually eating a skinned grape here.

This is Bear Lake. When we were walking & this came into view, Gillian ran up to lake, exclaiming "Bow!! Bow!!" That's the way she says "wow"...

We saw many squirrels & chipmunks. And, we saw a large herd of Elk, with a 5-pointer daddy!