
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

If I Had This, I Would

Peyton has become very hungry for more than milk this past month. I have to feed him "food" a few times a day. Blah! And, he doesn't have any teeth yet. My sister & mom were giving me a hard time for feeding him store-bought food. Well, I would make it myself - if I had this contraption.


  1. Someone I know got something extremely similar to this at Williams & Sonoma... and she adores it!
    She makes everything from rice cereal to creamed peas, I think. :)
    Maybe this should be on your Christmas list, hehe... ;)

  2. Now, now, Miss Martha Stewart...I am sure that you can make baby food without this!

    But it does look pretty cool!

  3. "store bought food"... I love it! Remind them that when you make food for him... it also came from the store. ;-)

  4. Although I do agree with Leah... I always made the baby food for my kids and never had this super cool mixer. btw folks, my birthday is February 6th ;)

  5. Although I do agree with Leah... I always made the baby food for my kids and never had this super cool mixer. btw folks, my birthday is February 6th ;)


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