
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Peyton's Interview on Being Five {super tardy}

How do you like being Five?  Nice.

What is the best thing about Five?  Playing video games and going on dates.

What is the best date you have ever been on?
Going out for hot chocolate with Mommy and looking at fire trucks.

What video game do you most want to get?  Lego Hobbits

What is your favorite bedtime song that mommy sings to you?  "Peace"
and he holds up two fingers.
The song the kids call Peace is Michael Card's Numbers 6:24 lullaby,
The Lord Bless You and Keep You...
Although he is claiming Peace as his favorite,
he most often chooses "Black and White" (Jesus Loves the Little Children)
and "Jesus Paid it All".

What is the best book you have ever read?  The Hobbit

What's your favorite food as a five year old?  Little macaroni and cheese, not the shells one.
(translation: Kraft brand, not Annie's brand)

What's your favorite color?  Green, blue and yellow.

What do you like best: wrestling, playing Avengers or riding bikes?  Wrestling

What do you like best: laughing, snorting or growling? Growling.

What do you most look forward leaning in school next year?  Learn about stories.

What is new and exciting about being Five?  Being six next.

What else do you want to tell me about life as a five year old?  Nofhing


Share with us what you're thinking! We'd love to hear from you!