
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Small Group of Two

He & I, we said we wanted to live this life together in love.
We came together to be joined.
The great mystery that is two becoming one.
In this oneness we stand together as equals.

He knows me & I know him.
Who else hears our biggest dreams & watches our deepest failures?

We hear it said that small groups & mentoring relationships
are key to growing in maturity.
We hear the admonition that "no man is an island",
so you guys should be gathering with us for Men's meals.
"Iron sharpens iron", so make every effort to attend ladies Bible study.
Get involved and grow.

We love church, we love our faith community.
We are involved & we are growing.
But we have a little secret.
Mostly we are home.
Mostly we are together.
Staying at home does not mean avoiding growth.

You know that part about marriage being one flesh?
We've got a built-in mentorship program going on here.
We can stay home, rest, fellowship, water our grass & grow.
He sharpens me & I sharpen him.
We grow.

We have a small small group, he & I.
We talk about real life, we hold each other accountable,
we encourage each other in righteousness & extend grace to each other.
And we grow.
Our hearts stretch up toward God & in that they stretch closer to each other.

**I continue to be inspired by Rachel Held Evans #Mutuality2012 blog event.
I also just got Just How Married Do You Want to Be?
per a recommendation on Laura Ziesel's blog.
I barely cracked it open.  But, I was inspired to write about 
the union of two equal persons.**


  1. yes! this is so true. I get a bit worried when churches have so many different programs that you're somehow expected to be at every one. But then you're also being told to put God and family first. How are both done?!

    We do love our Community Group, but we mostly love that we get to go together {and soon we'll be hosting it again in our home}. Our whole family goes. Not just Jason and not just me. I love the opportunities to minister and to be ministered to. But However, I'm glad its not *required*. I guess for me when things are going to be required, you better show me book, chapter and verse before I sign up.
    You know me ;-)

    You're so right though - these types of things need to be in our home first, before we can be effective and serving in God's Kingdom outside the home. This makes me realize I need to pray for full time Pastors and counselors way more than I do!

  2. right on Erin, I agree! Love the picture of you two, so precious! Nothing replaces spending time with your spouse :)

  3. right on Erin, I agree! Love the picture of you two, so precious! Nothing replaces spending time with your spouse :)

  4. Yes, Stef! I have had the heart to pray the same thing for full time ministers also!
    And please don't believe that our church requires program participation. They don't! I see in the pastoral staff that they do minister to people, rather than direct programs. I am blessed by our church! I just wanted to say that there is another place for maturing - home. :) We are grateful to participate in a church small group. And we love that we can do it together, too. :)

  5. oh, no worries. I didn't think you implied that at all.

  6. Erin! You took the words right out of my mouth. Truly - this describes Tim & me so much.

    Thanks for writing about marriage so poetically and profoundly.


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