
Sunday, December 11, 2011

ten on ten {december 2011 edition}

ten on ten button

1. getting set to put up to decorate the living room
2. block play
3. morning bath
4. dressed as Mary of Nazareth
5. making snowball garlands with cotton balls
6. daddy & babe have been doing some dirt playing
7. stockings set up, minus Kendall's because it is not made yet...
8. waiting while daddy builds a fire.
9. Christmas picnicking with cream puffs.
10. story time.


  1. Oh how fun! A cream puff picnic. Little Mary is so adorable.

  2. your kids are SO cute! And Peyton is turning into such a big boy! You can see the structure in his face changing from baby chub to a bigger boy look :)

  3. Your family looks like so much fun! Love the dirty baby picture. :)

  4. total cuteness! love your blog. found you through 10 on 10. :)

  5. I like the dirty baby too. And thanks for stopping by my place. The movie was The Muppets, and it was awesome. Great for the grownups who all grew up with them, and great for the kids (8, 9 and 11) as well. Even the 2 year old did well (with lots of popcorn!). Kristin

  6. I love that handmade Mary costume. My girls both love dress-up (and I approve). A big imagination is a true gift.


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