
Friday, November 18, 2011

hearts grow {in 5 minutes}

    I'm playing in Gypsy Mama's five minute friday today.
    Here's the rules -
    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
    2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
    3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!
OK, are you ready? 
5 minutes


it is amazing how a heart can grow.
we sathere on the white sand, was ithe island Virgin Gorda?
I wanted a chance to talk to you & you swam to a little spot on the shore with just me.
I could feel it.  My heart was growing.  It was growing with love for you.

You started emailing me.  We had great conversations.
You called me while we were both supposed to be working.
You came to my house to drink tea & play the card game of hearts.
My heart was growing.
in love with you.

We got married & our hearts seemed so fat with love.
But, it never stopped, my heart kept growing.

We wenthrough great pain our first year. 
Our love grew through it. strong.  tight.  
Our hearts were growing together & filling with love for our new son.


And it keeps on.  year after year.
child after child.
our hearts grow.
and there is room for each new heart.



  1. sweet.
    This post made me cry... in a good way. God is so good and gracious!


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