
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What I am Into Right Now - August 2011

Stuff I am into right now, as summer moves into the school year.

On My Nightstand 
Are Women Human? by Dorothy Sayer
Playful Parenting by Lawrence Cohen

Yet to crack open - 
Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry - free audio download, until the end of the month!
Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony

On My TV
We are watching Star Trek Enterprise.  
As often as possible.
My husband is not a trekkie.  But he is.  
I am turning into one.  But I'm not.

In the Movie Theater
Captain America - love it.  
I wish I could see The Help, too.  But I'll wait for DVD, I suppose.

In My Ears

On My Stove
Red Chile Sauce - I won't tell you exactly how I make this.  
I don't follow this recipe really.  It was my original springboard. 
What I actually make I will publish in a cookbook someday.

On My Laptop

{In the plan for tomorrow!  Isn't that cool?!!  M is for Magic Milk Paintings}

Do you other Pinsters have links to good early ed home school pin boards?  
Do share.
Here's my kid food board I've been working on.
Do you have any fun food ideas to share with us?

**  I am linking up with Megan - Sorta Crunchy. **


  1. Glad to see you're reading Playful Parenting - that's one of my favourites, for sure!

    Also, *thank you * for the pinterest boards! I'm just starting to homeschool and am scouring for ideas right about now. Very helpful.

    (Also? NPR - yay! I miss it since we left the States.)

  2. Captain Americs was SO good!!! And The Help was a very good, sweet movie. You will like it :-)

  3. Sarah, did you get the link I emailed you, with Adele's tiny desk concert? AMAZING!

  4. I've been running to Hannah Coulter. 2nd time through. And we've been juicing kale and beets and celery and carrots for breakfasts around here! And I sooo loved the days of schooling around themes and letters. I hope you are enjoying it bunches, too!


Share with us what you're thinking! We'd love to hear from you!