
Saturday, May 14, 2011

My Little Helper

While Daddy was away, my big girl rose to the challenge of being momma's little helper.
(Imperfectly, of course.  Come on!  She's 4! 
Plus, we're all imperfect at our calling, no matter what our age. 
She gave it a good effort, though.  I am proud of her.)

Gillian helped me out with bedtime on a couple evenings.
The first time was a night Kendall was super fussy &
needed bedtime rocking right in the middle of bedtime for the big kids.
So, I asked her to read them a story.
I came back after Kendall was down to Gillian "reading" them one of our bug books.
"Okay kids, what kind is this one?"  She was asking as she pointed to each one.
Then she would give them the answer.  She can identify way more bugs than I can.
I thanked her for doing such a good job reading & taking care of the kids.
She told me, "It wasn't because of me, Mom.  They were just really good."
(What?!!?  Where did she learned to be so gracious & generous?!)

The next time I asked her to help, things had been going fine with all 4 of them,
until Kendall pooped upward out of her diaper, onto her back &
also onto my pants upon which she was resting...
I asked Gillian if she would read to the kids while I cleaned up myself & the baby.
She said, "Oh yes.  I love helping out with the kids mom!"  Okay!
As I walked out of the room she was directing them to the bookcase to pick out their stories.
I could hear her "reading" while I changed the baby.  It was SO cute.
I tried to then capture it on video camera but my disc was full &
I couldn't find another.  So typical of me & video cameras...

Here's some photos though, of the proud big sister, with her siblings.


  1. What an adorable "big" girl. I love when older siblings read to the younger ones. Audrey has been doing that lately and it's just so sweet, I love to watch them.
    Love the pictures. What cuite pies you have.

  2. That is so great!! What a great big sister!!!

  3. way to go! being a big sister is the coolest-i know from experience:)

    xo happy weekend!

  4. something's wrong with me lately. I sobbed reading this post. Why? I have no idea. Other than its sweet and I think we're going to totally miss these tender, young days when they're gone.

    Loved this. Good on ya, Gill.


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