
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Home Study Paranoia

Or is it Spring Cleaning? Or Nesting?
I dropped off tons more stuff at Good Will today.
I've been going through everything.
But, most especially, the kid room.
Must make more room.

We have our home visit coming up,
for the final chapter of our adoption home study.
SO exciting.
And a little scary.
I do have a bit of home study visit paranoia, I think.
Even though the social worker has told us multiple times
that this is not a white glove test.
She said all she is doing is seeing our place of residence.
She just needs to see with her own eyes that this child whom
we bring into our home will have a safe place to sleep.

Okay. But, what is safe?
What if the mold on the baseboard gets me red taped?
I can't have anything fall out of the closet,
if the social worker opens the it.
That wouldn't be seen as safe, surely.

And what about the grease in the kitchen?
Violating Health & Safety codes?
We'd better take care of that...

I'm sure it will be no big deal.
But still.
We're working on sprucing things up a bit...


  1. Those spiders on the fridge going to kill the study, for sure!

  2. haha! I was gonna say the same thing Sara said - kill the bugs on your fridge! ;-)

    Happy for you guys. I bet it will all go great. I will be praying. Promise.

  3. Ha! Too true! Speaking of bugs, Scott was actually cleaning up an army of ants there on the top of our fridge. Gag!!

  4. Those are fake spiders on the fridge, right? ;)

  5. While your homestudy gal most likely won't even be tall enough to see the top of your fridge, at least you know it is sparkly! You are going to do just are going to be the best mom for your little question about it!


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