
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Lesson from REM

It is upsetting to realize sometimes how self adsorbed I can be.

Sometimes when things seem great
& I forget about my troubles & griefs,
I act like everyone should be happy slappy.
I forget that other people are hurting.

Sometimes when things aren't easy for whatever reason,
I forget that I'm not the only one with hard things.
I forget that everybody hurts.

(And still I tend to congratulate myself for being an empathetic person.  Hmmmm...)

Sometimes I get in my car & I hear REM.
And they sing Everybody Hurts.
And I sing, too.
Sometimes I cry.
Because I am hurting, too.
Or because I forgot that other people are hurting.

(And sometimes I just put it on whenever I want.
Because, yes, I love REM.  And I do have the 2 disc best of.)

In recent history, we have been sick here.
In a typical virus spreading pattern, the children were sick first;
then the mom went down; then the dad.

Once I got sick & knew firsthand how awful it felt,
I told Scott that I wished I had been sick first.
That way, I could have known how bad the kids felt.
Not that I ignored the fact that they were unwell.
I didn't.  I tried to take good care of them.
I didn't drag them around on errands or play dates.
I made sure they rested & drank water & ate oranges.
I gave them fever reducer meds when they needed them.

I just didn't really know, you know?
I wish I had understood how awful it was.
Mostly just so I could understand them.

But even then, I really understand them all the way.
I can never do that for anyone,
no matter how empathetic or discerning I think I may be.
I sorta think I should just remember that everybody hurts.
And I should extend grace,
 try to offer a helping hand & give effort toward an understanding ear.

We're all the same, but we're all different.
Nothing happens to us that is not common to man.  Others have been there too.
And yet, none of us process it exactly the same.
Only Jesus understands all the way.
But, I can try to remember that everyone has a hurt.

Speaking of hurt - 
Are you doing something for the people in Japan?
Is there a relief organization or certain fund that you would
recommend to the rest of us?
I see Samaritan's Purse is on the job.  Who else?


  1. I love these reminders that my Heavenly Father always knows what state I'm in and can relate fully to empathize and give grace and strength. He is so good to us!

  2. I love Stef's comment. It is comforting to know that He knows all about my problems and plans all this stuff for my good. And it does seem that when we start thinking that everything is fine and happy, God chooses that moment to humble us. :-)

  3. Ah! I have been thinking the same thing! I too was recently struck with the idea that I don't know how my children and husband are processing their pain/sickness. How quick I am to assume that when the children are more whiny than usual that they are just being naughty. When really they may be feeling unwell and just need to slow down and snuggle.

    I just got sick last too, and thought the same thing you did - wish I had gotten sick first so I knew how everyone was feeling. Hopefully I can learn my lesson and keep this in mind for next time. Not just to be patient for a day or two of sickness, but that maybe they are still "off their game" for much longer than that but can't really tell me. And like you said, no one processes things the same. So even if I was only sick for 2 days, it doesn't mean others are being dramatic when they want to lay around for 4+ days. ;)

  4. Japan. Sad times. How do I even begin to understand?

  5. Japan. Sad times. How do I even begin to understand?

  6. I love Stef's comment. It is comforting to know that He knows all about my problems and plans all this stuff for my good. And it does seem that when we start thinking that everything is fine and happy, God chooses that moment to humble us. :-)


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