
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Truth Will Find You Out

Sometimes, we think we told a great story, to throw everyone of the track.  
They'll never figure out this lie.

Like when my oldest girl somehow came up with the idea to 
"decorate" the bathroom with a marker.  
The walls, the floor, the cabinet, the sink...
and the toilet was a dead giveaway.

I walked into the bathroom totally shocked.  
Of course, my first response was, "Everyone come in here.  Who did this?"
Everyone denied having anything to do with it.
I noticed the sink bowl was colored in.  
I wasn't sure that Peyton could reach that high.
I turned around & saw the toilet seat.
And, I knew.
And, when I turned to Gillian to address the issue 
(of coloring on the house & of lying)
I noticed the same brown marker color on her lip.
(After she took to heart what I had to say to her, 
she shyly asked me if she could show me something...  
"Do you see this guy I made here on the toilet, though?")

It reminds me of when Peyton was being potty trained over a year ago.  
One day, when he was pretty much there, (You know, he "got it".)
I smelled something wrong in his pants.  
I looked to see that he had indeed soiled his shorts.
I asked, "what happened here?"
He responded solemnly, "Gillian Blythe did it."

Update: The incident this afternoon, after I wrote this...  
Gillian told me she was going to her room to play.
Apparently the game was cooking eggs.
There was raw egg all over the windowsill & floor below.


  1. Oh Erin! As much as I hate to say it, it's funny story.
    I feel your pain.
    By the way how are you feeling these days?
    Thank you for the Christmas card I love the wood card idea. Beautiful!

  2. Those moments always make me grateful that my kids get caught lying while they're still bad at it!

  3. Oh my....
    You've got quite the little homemaker, sounds like.

  4. oh my goodness! This made me laugh and then I felt bad for laughing :)
    Kara and Gillian would be a bad duo to get together, I think ;-)

  5. haha, this is hilarious!!! I am sure you were trying to hold back from laughing as you were enforcing discipline. P.S thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog, they really mean a lot!!

  6. haha, this is hilarious!!! I am sure you were trying to hold back from laughing as you were enforcing discipline. P.S thank you for all of your sweet comments on my blog, they really mean a lot!!

  7. Oh my....
    You've got quite the little homemaker, sounds like.

  8. Oh Erin! As much as I hate to say it, it's funny story.
    I feel your pain.
    By the way how are you feeling these days?
    Thank you for the Christmas card I love the wood card idea. Beautiful!


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