
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Help Me Pack My Hospital Bag - I'm Having a Baby

I've got to pack for the hospital.  That's the current "to do".
What would you bring?
Have a brilliant idea of something you loved having with you when you had a baby?
Tell us.  Give us a hand!
I've done this a few times before.
But, you know, I always wonder if I am packing too much, or not enough.

For Baby -
Swaddler Blankie - a Christmas gift from Nana
Nightgowns - 2 - all the babies have worn that white lambie gown home.  
I love that one.
Undershirts - 3
Tiny Socks - 4

For Me -
Chap stick - for labor & beyond
Coconut Oil - for good leg massaging during labor
Hairbands - keeping my hair out of my face
Lotion - just because it is ice to have it
I don't need hard candies - I like to suck on ice chips instead during labor.
Nightgown for after baby is born - I've never minded the hospital gown for l/d.  
My Robe
I don't want to get my own nightgown all messy...
Comfy Undies & Comfy Nursing bra & Camisole
Luxury Toiletries - I've only tried the chap stick & it is dreamy.
I grabbed a little travel toiletries kit at Whole Foods.
Razor & shaving Cream - it's nice to be able to shave again, after the baby is born.  
A seat in the shower & no huge belly in the way.
Jeans & Shirt (Early Maternity size) - for going home

For Daddy -
Camera (no video camera though.  I don't want to watch a movie of me in labor.)
Chocolate - Sort of for me, too.
Lite Reading - X-Box magazine, or Rare Fruit Growers magazine, or Martha?
Snack - What?!  I can't figure a good power snack for the labor coach.  
I almost got him beef jerky.  I know he'd like that.  But, the thing is, 
I can hardly stomach the smell on a normal day.  Mid labor?  NO!!!!
Maybe I'll make him some of these.  
I made them for my sis for Christmas & I was surprised to love them, too.
Change of clothes
His Pillow - with a flowery pillowcase, so it doesn't get mistaken for hospital property

A Gift for my Kids - 
When Moira was born, Scott & I wrapped up presents for the other kids.
It was fun.  But, it was way over kill.
They don't really need more little toys.
We had picked out way too much candy.
(We still have some of that candy around the house, nearly 2 years later...)
This time, I am making a cookie decorating present for them.
I've made up some buttercream frosting that can go in the freezer.
I'll start making some sugar cookies today, that will also go in the freezer.
Then I'll wrap a little box of sprinkles & decorations up like a present.
My little sister Liz says she'll do cookies with them, while we are at the hospital.

What about you?  Would you add something?  What am I missing?
Have you given a gift to your older kids, when the baby is born? 
 If so, what was it?


  1. You're way more prepared than I've ever been! My bag usually consists of a toothbrush and sweats to wear home.

  2. Fingernail clippers in case Kendall has some long nails!

  3. you guys bring way more than we ever have, so I don't think I have anything to offer! I do like the birthing ball during and after labor. Did you mention that and I missed it?

  4. Brittany - I went once without a bag, and it wasn't the end of the world.
    Thanks Sara! I'll throw them in!
    Stef - I have considered a ball, but never bought one. It seems like it would be great to have, though.
    Am I really over packing? It is mostly clothes & toiletries. I mean, it fits in one bag.

  5. Bring your ID (Drivers License). I didn't bring my purse and Anthony had to go back for it while I was in labor. Not sure if your hospital has the same procedure. Also, I like to bring gatorade and water bottles. But I am kind of picky what I am drinking during labor. Can't wait to see your little bundle. We will be praying for you all!!

  6. Thanks Nicolle! Yes! I need my wallet!
    I like the hospital ice chips to "drink" during labor. Dreamy. But, Gatorade is not a bad idea, either.

  7. or... we just don't bring enough! ;-)

  8. I loved having my make up on! Lipstick (everlast kind, so you can kiss your new little girl without leaving your lips on her). Having my "face" on was a big plus for me. But you have had many more children then me. But that's what I made me feel great, is so much pain! Praying for you.

  9. I always had to have my own pillow. But aside from that it sounds like you got everything.

    And I once was in the middle of a non stress test and started having contractions so they kept me and I had to tell my sweet husband what to pack for me over the phone. Good thing you are thinking ahead.

  10. I always bring a quilt to throw on the bed -- those hospital blankets are awful and so sterile looking. And I make a cake for the baby's birth day. We have yet to be organized enough to get it to the hospital. Usually Dad and kids get to celebrate at home and bring a piece in for us the next day. I'm so excited for you :)

  11. Jamey (jj) - I cannot believe you bake a cake for the new baby's birth. Do you bake it & all during early labor. Go momma!! (This lady has has twice the number of youngins as I do, my friends.)
    Charlotte - I may try to remember my pillow, too. It is a smart thing to have.
    Cola - I'll probably bring some make-up for after, maybe. But, I am not such a make-up person. When I've gone into labor, already wearing make-up, it seems to just get smeared & yuckied. Ha!

  12. It sounds like you're super prepared! The most important things for me to have post-baby are:
    * a nursing nightgown
    * comfy nursing bras
    * snacks
    * a nursing pillow
    * lanolin cream (for nursing)
    * Shower Hug (for sore boobs)
    * aden + anais swaddle blankets

  13. Erin, If you'd like a birthing ball, I have one you can borrow...I can drop it in the mail tomorrow if you'd like!

  14. Holly - That is so sweet! I'll email you about it!
    Nice list, Stephanie. Thanks for sharing! I tossed in my lanolin. I only used it for baby #1. But, who knows?! I've been interested in the shower hug, but have never owned one. I just use my own arms. :)

  15. Loved having a birthing ball, used it most of the time I was in the hospital with Elena. I was so so so sad when I was told the hospital didn't have one when I was in labor with Irina. I think that would have helped so much.

  16. Bring your ID (Drivers License). I didn't bring my purse and Anthony had to go back for it while I was in labor. Not sure if your hospital has the same procedure. Also, I like to bring gatorade and water bottles. But I am kind of picky what I am drinking during labor. Can't wait to see your little bundle. We will be praying for you all!!

  17. you guys bring way more than we ever have, so I don't think I have anything to offer! I do like the birthing ball during and after labor. Did you mention that and I missed it?


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