
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

e is for egg - Home School Preschool

e is for egg

I think this craft flashcard of the "e" emerging from the egg is so darn cute. 
I am loving it.

Reading & Science -
The books we read this week are fabulous
I cannot say enough good about them.

Another good book by Ruth Heller - Chickens Aren't the Only Ones

This book has great illustrations as it teaches about which critters are egg layers.
I had the book as a kid & loved it.  I still love it.

An Egg is Quiet is a gorgeous book painted by Sylvia Long
with exceptional information written by Dianna Aston.

I am in love with the book.  We got it from the library. 
But, I think I need to purchase it. 

We also browsed the McMurray Hacthary catalog. 
(Someday we'll buy some chicks from them!)

Crafts -
We sang the Humpty Dumpty nursery Rhyme
& painted our own Humpty Dumpty eggs.

Each little humpty dumpty took a fall. 

Letter Recognition -

We circled all the "e" letters in these sentences.

  • Would an elephant ever lay an egg?
  • Eggplant in the garden adds extra elegance.
  • Evan eats enough eggs every day to grow strong.

Penmanship -
We did our letter E tracing papers.
But, we also started finger writing in our new salt box.
I'll tell you more about that in another post.

Game -
Egg in the Spoon race!
They loved it. 
The eggs were hard cooked though.  :)

Bible -
We did a little object lesson with an uncooked egg & a hard boiled egg.
We tried to spin the uncooked egg. 
It just stayed where it was & barely wobbled.
We spun the hard boiled egg.
It spun & spun & went all over the table.
I talk to the kids about a heart that is soft & stays with Jesus.
But, a hard heart goes off to do its own things, and things spin out of control

We are also learning our E bible verse -

"Even a child is known by his deeds,
by whether what he does is pure & right."
Proverbs 20:11

Math / Shapes -
Most eggs are oval shaped. 
But, there are a lot of round ones, too. 
We went on a shape hunt around the house & yard
to find things that were also oval & circle shapes

Math/Size Comparison -
I made little egg flashcards for the kids. 
They lined them up by size.

Culture/Art -

We looked at pictures of Faberge eggs from Russia.

And, while we were doing that, we listened to a Ukrainian children's song
we have on our Wee Sing Around the World album.


  1. these school projects look like so much fun, Erin! What a great way to get them familiar with and enjoying their letters. I think I'll take some of these ideas for Kara.

  2. Erin I love the flashcard! Are you making them as you go or did you make them up ahead of time?

  3. Thanks girls!
    Cola, follow the link on the e is for egg & it will take you to Totally Tots. A great resource blog! They are doing the craft letters. I am just copying along each week!

  4. The egg books you chose look great! I need to keep my eye out for those... and I can't wait to hear more about your salt box. As part of our spelling the younger ones trace their words on sandpaper or in rice, but lately I have gotten lazy and they are just tracing on the table. I know the texture is what makes that exercise important so I would love to hear more about your box. Great job, Erin!

  5. Jolanthe - thanks for visiting! You & Cindy have been my big inspiration!
    I'll post soon about the salt Charlotte!

  6. An egg in the spoon race is a fantastic idea! I know my girls would love it.

    You impress me.

  7. Thanks girls!
    Cola, follow the link on the e is for egg & it will take you to Totally Tots. A great resource blog! They are doing the craft letters. I am just copying along each week!


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