
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Six Years & The Rewards are Sweeter

6 years ago, right about right now, this is what Scott & I were doing.

Marriage is about giving up & serving & being vulnerable & purposing to love.
That sounds kind of hard.
It is.

But when both persons are actively 
giving up & serving & being vulnerable& purposing to love,

The rewards are so much sweeter than the difficulties.
We only love each other more.

I am grateful for the place God brought us, 6 years ago.
But even more grateful for where He has us today.


  1. Erin, these are beautiful pictures! Your wedding was absolutely beautiful and I remember being so happy to see that God was blessing you with a man perfect for you :)
    Happy 6th Anniversary! I loved how you described marriage and yes, it definitely gets sweeter with time.

  2. Happy Anniversary Erin & Scott! I love the pictures you posted. What a beautiful day.
    It encouraging to see where God has brought you both and where God is going to lead you in the future.
    May God richly bless you with many, many more anniversaries!

  3. Thank you for inviting us to your wedding. It was beautiful and it's great to see what God is doing in your lives now.

  4. Amen!!
    Sweet felicitations to you, my friend.

  5. Happy Anniversary.

    I agree w/ the premise of your post. Tim & I will be married nine years this January and I love him even more today than back then. It's been wonderful to "grow up" together... :)

  6. Happy Anniversary.

    I agree w/ the premise of your post. Tim & I will be married nine years this January and I love him even more today than back then. It's been wonderful to "grow up" together... :)

  7. Thank you for inviting us to your wedding. It was beautiful and it's great to see what God is doing in your lives now.


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