
Monday, August 9, 2010

Like A Fruitful Vine

Scott had an incredible amount of concord grapes to harvest today. 
 I can't believe how fruitful his one little vine has been!

The kids were happy to dig in (as was I).

I asked what they wanted for lunch & Gillian said, "Just grapes".  

Our day in general, has seemed rather fruitful.  
We started out with a bit of a bomb, though.  
After we did some general pick up of our sloppy little house, 
we headed out in the car, to try to get a little adventure in, before Moira
completely melted down, in desperate need of a morning nap.

We drove just a few minutes away, where we had seen
a little herd of adorable Alpacas last week.
They had been freshly shorn & were wearing cute little jackets, 
since the days have been chilly.

Alas, we arrived at the little farm this morning & couldn't spot a single Alpaca.  
We sure hope they were just in the barn or something. 
We need to get a close look at them someday soon!

Our plan B was to continue to search for cool animals & drive over to a near by property,
where a few Llamas are kept.
STRANGE.  They also were missing.  
We drive by that field, at a distance, several times a week.
Those llamas are always there.
But, this morning they were not.  

All we got to see was a Llama mailbox.

The kids were still in fairly good spirits.  No screaming.  
Gillian was doing something that sounded a lot like whining to me.
I asked her please to not whine.
She says, "Mom, I'm not whining.  I'm just really frustrated."

We got home & Mo took a nap & the rest of us settled in to read 
Little House in the Big Woods.
Both Gillian & Peyton like the book so far.
The attention span didn't get us through a chapter yet.
But, they enjoyed it.
And, they told their dad about the story at lunch time.

Peyton had a hankering to paint all morning.  
So, we did that after lunch.

Gillian painted her first portrait.  
It is her new little birdie toy.
See, it's a pink, big, headed bird.
It has a blue curly feather on the top of its head.
purple eyes, & a blue smile.
The bird is perched on a purple branch.

Peyton's painting is a bunch of bears, who intend to eat Gillian's precious little bird.

I wiped down some of the filthy floor today.  And washed some of my dishes.  
I am making some bread.
Now I think I'll nap!


  1. Erin, this totally made my morning. It was like getting a little visit with you and your kids, hearing about your adventures (and frustrations, lol). I love the paintings! Sure wish we could have a playday. :)

  2. What a wonderful day! I loved how you described it. And I LOVE concord grapes. We don't get them until around September, and only for about a 3 week window. Thanks for sharing, Erin.

  3. I love the pictures! And I can totally see the bird/branch, good job Gillian! Also, it made me laugh that Peyton made something to destroy Gillian's picture. :)

  4. "Little House in the Big Woods" is on our chapter book list. :)

    We recently finished "The Boxcar Children" and "Ramona the Brave" - and now we're smack-dab in the middle of "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle." :)

  5. "Little House in the Big Woods" is on our chapter book list. :)

    We recently finished "The Boxcar Children" and "Ramona the Brave" - and now we're smack-dab in the middle of "Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle." :)

  6. What a wonderful day! I loved how you described it. And I LOVE concord grapes. We don't get them until around September, and only for about a 3 week window. Thanks for sharing, Erin.


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