
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Faith or Fear

As we go through life, there are decisions to make all the time.
Some are huge.  Some are little.  A lot seem to fall somewhere in between.

When we (I)  make intentional, thoughtful decisions to do something 
& then see someone else do something the opposite way, 
it is easy to believe they made a poor decision.

But, there is always more than meets the eye.  
Often times, the why is more important than the what.
Or perhaps that was understated.  
Maybe it should be that the why is always more important than the what.  

Did you choose to do that in faith?  Trusting God to uphold you & give you grace?  
Do you have faith that He will guide you?  Do you trust the wisdom of His Word?
2 Corinthians 5:7 
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."

Or did you choose to do that because of fear?  Fear of what others may think of you?  
Did you choose not to do something that you felt God was leading you to, 
because you feared failure?  Exhaustion?  Loss of control?

Romans 14:23 
"...for whatever is not from faith is sin."

Is it faith or fear?  
Do you walk in confidence because you are seeking to please God?
Or do you continually feel judged because you fear others don't approve?
Do you crave the validation of those around you?
Or do you desire to live for Jesus, no matter what the cost?

1 Thessalonians 2:4 
"...not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts."

Sometimes it looks like someone is doing all the right things.  
But, maybe they are living under "Christian peer pressure".  
If you focus on the what & not the why, you will burn out in doing good.  
You will wonder what went wrong.  Why is there no joy?  Why is nothing working? 

Hebrews 11:6 
"But without faith, it is impossible to please Him, 
for he who comes to God must believe that He is, 
and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."

Live unto Jesus.  Whatever you do.  Make the decision for Him.  
Other people who are living unto Jesus may eat & drink different stuff than you.
And that's okay.

p.s.  I'm not just talking about food.


  1. Love this post. Love it. What a great reminder! You know I struggle with worrying too much about what other people think, I need this reminder all the time. Thank you.

  2. A very good list of questions, thanks for the great reminders. you are such an encouragement to me!

  3. I love your perspective (well, actually, the biblical perspective, I guess you can't really claim it...). My additional question as a person who desires to love others and participate in the discipleship process of raising up others who will raise up others... etc.. I have to ask myself if what I am doing is raising people to be changed from the inside out and act from confidence in Jesus and not just following my "methods" rather than following me to Jesus and learning from him. Good thoughts!!

  4. I particularly liked this part of what you wrote: "When we (I) make intentional, thoughtful decisions to do something & then see someone else do something the opposite way, it is easy to believe they made a poor decision. But, there is always more than meets the eye."

    I agree! It's important to remember that people make decisions based on a huge number of factors - and many of them are hidden from public view.


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