
Monday, May 3, 2010

Proof of His Easy Goingness

A few days ago, Scott says, "I need a haircut before church". I said, "Okay, Let's do it."

I got out the hair clipper set, scissors & comb.  We set the kids out on the grass with balls & toys.  We set up the hair salon station on the deck.  I got out the clippers & started the haircut.  In my plans, I was just trimming his side burns first.  But, I just kept going.  My brain was somewhere else. 

When I realized what I had done, I nearly had a heart attack.  Can you see Gillian in the background?  She is in total shock as well. 
It was difficult for me to go on.  But, I was at the point of no return.  It had to be done.
Scott volunteered to finish it for me. 

At that moment, I was reminded how exceedingly thankful I am to be married to a guy who is not vain.  I can't even imagine how horrified I would be if my spouse gave me such a bad hair cut. 
But, Scott just laughed. 
I'm getting used to it.  I am just concerned for his fresh white scalp being out in the high altitude sun all day.  He never remembers to use that convenient spray on sunscreen that is sitting in his truck.


  1. Oh Erin! I think this is one of those moments that will make you laugh in the future.
    And I am thankful that your husband even laughed at it in the present.
    God is good. :)
    Aren't you thankful that hair grows?!

  2. Oh Erin! Bless your heart and bless Scott for being gracious! I was just saying today how I am not really allowed to touch "power tools" clippers being included in that category.

    I hope you are all well - and not getting sunburns.



  3. Ahahahaha!! Erin, that's completely awesome.

  4. Wow! Way to keep it together Scott! Did he keep the mohawk??

  5. Oh my gosh!! I made a mistake the first time Matt had me cut his hair. I buzzed a small swatch just above and behind his ear where I was supposed to be trimming around the ear. He was pretty upset, but we were younger then. Now he just has me buzz the whole thing every time, so I don't have to worry about the guard being on.

  6. Aftering considering all the sexy designs we could create, we decided to buzz the whole thing off. No Mohawk this time. Ha!

  7. That is too funny! I think Sean would freak out if I did that to him. I think I would freak out!! I think it's funny that you documented it all with photos. :)

  8. Wow... I feel so bad for you, Erin! I know I would've felt horrible too. Jason always reminds me "hair grows back" but I think I'm way too vain for that one.

    I think this is why my husband doesn't come to me BEFORE church and request a hair cut. He knows I need a good 45-60 minutes to do just a decent job :)

    What a good sport, Scott!

  9. A good time to be out of town, I think. This does remind me of the time your brother came to church with blue hair. Atleast you didn't draw blood. I say that cuz the last haircut I gave Siah many, many years ago,removed a small part of his ear-skin.

  10. Oh! I'm terrified of cutting my husband's hair so he does it himself (and he's quite good at it too).

  11. Oh! I'm terrified of cutting my husband's hair so he does it himself (and he's quite good at it too).

  12. Wow! Way to keep it together Scott! Did he keep the mohawk??

  13. Oh Erin! Bless your heart and bless Scott for being gracious! I was just saying today how I am not really allowed to touch "power tools" clippers being included in that category.

    I hope you are all well - and not getting sunburns.




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