
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

We moved to the neighborhood in which we live almost 3 years ago.  At first we "met" our immediate neighbors on each side.  You know, "Hi my name is ---------" & that's about it.  Slowly, but surely, we met some neighbors a few doors down.  We started the sort of neighborly relationship in which you can say, "May I walk your dog?"  "May I borrow an onion?"  & stuff like that.  

We've met neighbors by going for walks.   
We bought artwork for our front yard that everyone can enjoy.  
People stop to talk to us about it.

By knocking on the door & asking about their flowers.
By bringing Christmas treats to them, even if we didn't even know their names before.

Slowly over the last 2 years, we've been building some neighbor bonds.  We love this neighborhood.  We want to stay here for a long time.  We want to learn how to work at making it a better neighborhood.

Last weekend, we went to a neighborhood bbq.  
Some neighbors are starting up a little neighborhood Bible Study that we are going to part of.  
We are now moving beyond just knowing peoples names.  We are really getting to know people.  We are so excited about this!  

Now, what else can we do?  I've thought a lot about neighborhood associations.  
What makes a good one?  What makes a bad one?  
How do you organize something to get people working together to improve the neighborhood, without making them feel like you are infringing on their private space?

We want to inspire & aid neighbors in creating good curb appeal.  Practically how is this done?  

It would be nice to have a venue where people can be reminded of neighborly courtesies & hopefully lessen the need to call the police or the animal shelter.

I'd like to organize something so we can all know what sort of work & businesses people have, so we can try to "keep it local".  

I want to get to know people well enough, so that we can be a real blessing to them in their need.  

Tell me your neighborhood experiences.  
What do you think our next step should be in improving our neighborhood?


  1. I am probably the last person to ask about how to build neighborhood community. I am so bad about this (the only neighbors we really knew moved away!)

    But I really think you have a good idea about putting together a neighborhood list of work people do. Maybe just pass out flyers telling everyone you are going to make a small neighborhood directory with that sort of info. You can have something on there they can fill out and put back in your mailbox, or you can go door to door the next week and talk to people!

  2. This is the first place we've lived in with a super friendly neighborhood. We've always tried in the past, but the people are either too busy, getting home too late from their super long commutes to and from work, or they've just been the type that keep to themselves. We made friends with our neighbors in Oakley, but it was always US going over to say hi to them and invite them over, etc...

    The neighborhood we currently live in is a private one, so maybe that makes a difference? They have a Moms Yahoo group that I joined and the ladies frequently get together for Bunco night, coffee dates, dinner parties and more.

    We also always go out in our front yards when the sun is out and the weather is warm enough to play. We bring our BBQ's to the front yards. We all make our own dinners, but then we eat together.

    On the minor holidays (St. Patrick's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day) they have block parties. Each person contributes in some way and the whole street gets in on it. I think those things are harder to do if you never speak throughout the year. We and one other family are the only "church going" families that live near us, so it also gives us awesome opportunities to witness and just BE a witness.
    We've heard the 4th of July is the biggest and best block party, but this will be our first, so we've not experienced one yet :)

    You have some great ideas! I think its great to be all about community; reaching out, serving one another and showing Christ like love to one another.

  3. i have never done such a thing. we have found most of our family connections outside of our neighborhood. i do look forward to hearing how this goes with you. keep us updated!

  4. I've been thinking about hosting a bbq for some of our neighbors. They have truly been a blessing to us this first year here in San Jose. We're so thankful for good neighbors and wouldn't it be amazing to introduce some of them to Jesus!

  5. We have a bit of a small neighborhood, since quite a few of the people on our street are weekenders or vacation homes. We've gotten to know our immediate neighbors by just inviting them over for dinner. Some have accepted, some not, but it still "breaks the ice" in a way, and we feel pretty close to most of them. We also bring them bags of goodies for Christmas. If we can stay here, I would love to step that up to other holidays--especially Easter.

  6. I had so much to say, I blogged about our neighborhood!

  7. Hey! I actually met one of neighbors today, and she has a son who is 3 1/2 (plus they have a pool!!) This is a big step for me, I never meet any of my neighbors. :)

  8. I had so much to say, I blogged about our neighborhood!

  9. We have a bit of a small neighborhood, since quite a few of the people on our street are weekenders or vacation homes. We've gotten to know our immediate neighbors by just inviting them over for dinner. Some have accepted, some not, but it still "breaks the ice" in a way, and we feel pretty close to most of them. We also bring them bags of goodies for Christmas. If we can stay here, I would love to step that up to other holidays--especially Easter.

  10. I've been thinking about hosting a bbq for some of our neighbors. They have truly been a blessing to us this first year here in San Jose. We're so thankful for good neighbors and wouldn't it be amazing to introduce some of them to Jesus!

  11. This is the first place we've lived in with a super friendly neighborhood. We've always tried in the past, but the people are either too busy, getting home too late from their super long commutes to and from work, or they've just been the type that keep to themselves. We made friends with our neighbors in Oakley, but it was always US going over to say hi to them and invite them over, etc...

    The neighborhood we currently live in is a private one, so maybe that makes a difference? They have a Moms Yahoo group that I joined and the ladies frequently get together for Bunco night, coffee dates, dinner parties and more.

    We also always go out in our front yards when the sun is out and the weather is warm enough to play. We bring our BBQ's to the front yards. We all make our own dinners, but then we eat together.

    On the minor holidays (St. Patrick's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day) they have block parties. Each person contributes in some way and the whole street gets in on it. I think those things are harder to do if you never speak throughout the year. We and one other family are the only "church going" families that live near us, so it also gives us awesome opportunities to witness and just BE a witness.
    We've heard the 4th of July is the biggest and best block party, but this will be our first, so we've not experienced one yet :)

    You have some great ideas! I think its great to be all about community; reaching out, serving one another and showing Christ like love to one another.


Share with us what you're thinking! We'd love to hear from you!