
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Proving to Myself, Once Again, that I am Not Martha

I really like making Valentines. Five years ago, I was so excited to now have someone to make a really nice, real love-inspired valentine for. I quilled a fantastic valentine for my husband. It was inspired by Martha.
This year I made another valentine inspired by Martha. When I say inspired here, I mean, I didn't really read these directions. I just took a photo & glittered it. When I stepped back from my project to look it over & laughed out loud. It is nothing like Martha's beautiful glitter paintings. It is rather hilarious looking, actually.

But, Scott didn't laugh even a tiny bit. He was gracious & grateful. Another reason to love him!

1 comment:

  1. he's probably just thinking you're super sweet for going through the trouble of doing these "love" things.

    I think its pretty cool! Something my kids would love trying out.


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