
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Be a Tourist

We drove down south through a rain storm to see Scott's family for the weekend. Our longest day there, was the only sunny one.

We went into San Diego to be tourists & take the Old Town Trolley tour. I have seen a lot of the city several times. But, it was fun to be a tourist & learn a bunch of new stuff.
It was also nice to be contained & not have to do any chasing down of the kids.

We didn't really have too much time. But, we walked a little bit in Old Town & also got lunch.

The kids rode a cool Carousel in Seaport Village. Gillian rode with Auntie Kim & loved it!

Moira hung out on the sidelines with me.

Peyton was happiest to be getting off. Daddy held him throughout the ride. But, he was still quite concerned.


  1. Looks like a fun trip!! Good pictures, Erin!
    I like Peyton's face in that last picture :)

  2. I love the picture of the wall! Glad you are having fun!


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