
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bed Head

Peyton woke up with the greatest bed hair the other day. I was so crazy about it. It was so cute. Some folks always get bed head. But, this was the first time I've seen my son like this. So, I had to take pictures.

Speaking of Peyton & of beds, he moved out of his crib, into a little big kid bed yesterday. It is going fairly well! Nap times have been a little bit of a struggle. But, bed time went so smoothly last night. It was amazing. Our little guy is growing up pretty fast.


  1. The 4th pictures is my favorite, so very very cute! I love bedhead!

  2. I wear my bed head out in public everyday. Peyton can join me anytime.

  3. I can't believe he doesn't typically get bed head! What a lucky guy. Rachel and Kara wake up looking like they stuck their fingers in a live socket.

    I think Peyton and Moira look so much alike! Cute pictures.

  4. I love bedhead!
    On my son.
    Not so much on me.

  5. I love bedhead!
    On my son.
    Not so much on me.


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