
Thursday, July 9, 2009

What a Day this has been...

What a rare mood I'm in.

Speaking of that, I saw Brigadoon for the first time ever. I didn't even know the story. I didn't even know Gene Kelly was in it. I didn't even know it was a ballet sort of musical. I didn't even know Van Johnson could sing & tap dance. It was good.

This really has been a good day. I have a clean kitchen. Even though I have roasted beets. I made chicken curry. I have a Blueberry Cream cake cooling. I have Oatmeal-Molasses bread rising.

I put away all the clothes that have been hanging on the foot of my bed all week. I took a shower this morning. And, I scrubbed some of the mildew in my shower.

I got out of bed this morning on my own. Scott didn't have to send Gillian in there to pounce on me.

I think I might get a nap in. (If not, I'll just pour another cup of caffeine.)

These things make me happy. As does my new golden yellow t-shirt from Target. I am wearing it for the 2nd day in a row. Don't think that that is gross. It doesn't smell. Honest. And, there is no spit up or food or anything on it. Yet.

Those things are are happy things. But, the really joyous thing is that, I have been able to apply James 1:19 today. Be quick to hear, slow to speak & slow to anger. What a difference grace & patience can make. If I'm not angry, my little girl (who is much like her mother...) doesn't scream & yell nearly as much. Funny how that works... I can be pretty sure we'll have a rough day, if I am quick to irritation. Apart from Christ, that is pretty much me. Mrs. Short Fuse.

Maybe this picture can help you to understand

I have been reading Ted Tripp's "Shepherding a Child's Heart". I've heard his lectures on the subject. But, somehow it wasn't as convicting for me then. Probably because Gillian was just a wee babe. Now I have two tots who need patient instruction & discipline. Now I know how much I struggle to be kindly firm. Now, reading the book, it is has been heart piercing. There is much to pray over. I need so much grace. It is a good thing God never runs short.

Today I read a marvelous post on this very matter. She summarizes well many of the things Dr. Tripp talks about in his book. Do go over to Femina & read Growth Spurts! I think you'll be glad you did.


  1. Nice post, I am sorry to say that the picture of Gillian made me chuckle. :) It is good encouragement for me, as I have been trying to focus on the same thing. My attitude and patience greatly effects the mood of the family!

  2. I know, isn't it great? I printed it out and we'll be reading it at this month's Mommy & Tots meeting at my house. I think I just might print a copy for each mom too. Such good words. And so glad to see a post from you, by the way. Missed you. :)

  3. ahhh, Erin. We Moms have so much in common, sometimes it makes me laugh! I keep thinking its just me and I'm the only one doing stuff wrong and then I come read these wonderful blogs where you ladies are nice and honest about life.
    Its refreshing.

    I had to laugh-out-loud when I read the part where you said you had read the child raising books, but didn't feel convicted about them and now you realize its because your kids were just babies. We did the same thing!! Now we're clinging to those books and specific passages in the Bible, like there is no tomorrow. :)

    I had just thought about that verse the other day too! I noticed that when I would shut my mouth and just listen, things went so much smoother with my son, who definitely needs to be heard... and heard again, and again, and again. Rachel can sometimes care less if she's being heard - she likes talking to herself 1/2 the time. But Ethan and I really struggle with this. So that verse was on my fridge a few days ago so I could see it every time I walked past.

    God has been teaching me SO much these days - so much of letting go of what used to seem so important (like staying obsessively on top of housework) and just enjoying these young moments with my kids. They'll pass far too quickly.

    Thanks for the post! I missed you too.

  4. Thanks for your honest post, Erin!
    The picture made me laugh too 'cuz that's reality sometimes too :)

  5. that is a good day! i would be very satisfied too!

  6. ahhh, Erin. We Moms have so much in common, sometimes it makes me laugh! I keep thinking its just me and I'm the only one doing stuff wrong and then I come read these wonderful blogs where you ladies are nice and honest about life.
    Its refreshing.

    I had to laugh-out-loud when I read the part where you said you had read the child raising books, but didn't feel convicted about them and now you realize its because your kids were just babies. We did the same thing!! Now we're clinging to those books and specific passages in the Bible, like there is no tomorrow. :)

    I had just thought about that verse the other day too! I noticed that when I would shut my mouth and just listen, things went so much smoother with my son, who definitely needs to be heard... and heard again, and again, and again. Rachel can sometimes care less if she's being heard - she likes talking to herself 1/2 the time. But Ethan and I really struggle with this. So that verse was on my fridge a few days ago so I could see it every time I walked past.

    God has been teaching me SO much these days - so much of letting go of what used to seem so important (like staying obsessively on top of housework) and just enjoying these young moments with my kids. They'll pass far too quickly.

    Thanks for the post! I missed you too.

  7. Nice post, I am sorry to say that the picture of Gillian made me chuckle. :) It is good encouragement for me, as I have been trying to focus on the same thing. My attitude and patience greatly effects the mood of the family!


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