
Saturday, January 17, 2009

The City

My sister in law, Kim, is moving this weekend. She used to live in the Great City by the Bay. I really like that place. So, I took a trek up there this week with the kids, to spend the day chumming around before she left. Anna came with us, and so did Krista & her munchkins.
We had lunch in this pretty park that is partially on the roof of a downtown mall. I had packed some of the Jamaican Meat Patties. They turned out to be quite tasty.

Watching the waterfall.

We rode the recently restored carousel, from the old Playland by the Beach. It is now part of the kid's Zeum museum.

Peyton was the only kid who really loved it. He was super happy.


  1. Yay! Nice pictures! I am surprised the carousel ones turned out so good. It was a fun day, thanks for taking us!

  2. fun! why didn't my feed reader alert me to this new post? I am so annoyed....

  3. Yay! Nice pictures! I am surprised the carousel ones turned out so good. It was a fun day, thanks for taking us!


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