
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some Branches & Stuff

As of yesterday afternoon, I think I finished Christmas decor. Nothing much. But, festive. Yesterday, I took the kids for a little drive & then walk to cut greenery along a freeway frontage road. I only got a few minor injuries climbing to the desired tree...

Saturday we picked out our mini tree at Home Depot. We set it up, put lights on it & such. Sunday we let Gillian help pick out the ornaments to put on. We have a general "brights" theme, I think. All the jewel-toned balls, etc. Getting such tiny trees, we can only use a small portion of our ornaments. This is our 5th Christmas as the Scott Adams family. We have an absurd amount of ornaments, for so few years. It is a weakness for both Scott & I. I think I have more self-control in the matter, though. It is good he doesn't shop in holiday decor stores very often.
My pictures are fairly lame. The screen on the camera is totally blurry & I can't see what I am taking a picture of. It is just a shot in the dark.

Sunday afternoon, I was able to finish Peyton's stocking, while the munchkins napped & the husband cleaned the yard. It is not the knitted stocking that I began back in October.... (for another child, I suppose... it is only 1/4 - 1/3 finished...) Rather, it is sewn of brown & cream velvets. I like it a lot. And, it took me only an hour a day, for three days.

Under the tree, we have a few kid-friendly ornaments, and Christmas cookie cutters & some special toys to play with. The kids love it. It seems to keep the rest of my house cleaner...

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I think its cute that you get a small tree. Has she ever tried pulling it off that table? We haven't had issues with trees (yet) but I hold my breath each year. :)


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