
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Right Now

I am going to make this Shepherd's Pie for dinner. I don't think about Shepherd's Pie very often. But, when it comes to mind, I recall how yummy, and very satisfying it is. It came to mind recently. So, I am going to make it.

My kids are napping. I should be using this time to tackle my filthy kitchen - before I make it filthy again in a few hours. But, I have decided to do something else.

I am very tired. If I were wise, I would take a nap. But, I am not going to. Not right now.

I am going to work on making these little wheat bundle place settings. I plan on having a good time.


  1. well, you and I have something in common... I'm sitting here reading your blog, when I have an entire house to clean up. Life is grand.

  2. Oh my....those are darling place settings!
    Are they for Thanksgiving?

  3. well, you and I have something in common... I'm sitting here reading your blog, when I have an entire house to clean up. Life is grand.


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