
Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Dreaded Ones

I have finished a number of dreaded errands recently. It feels so nice. Last week, I spent over 1/2 hour at the DMV, finally getting my address updated on my license. This week, I got my rear down to the County Recorder's office & bought birth certificates for my children. (I know... took me long enough...) Today I went to the Social Security office & finally got Peyton's number. Now that those things are done, it feels good. Like when I clean my bathrooms. The sense of accomplishment to be had, for completing a dreaded task, makes it all worth while. I wonder why they are so dreaded, then?


  1. Good for you, Erin!
    It's always good to get the mundane things done, it really is so rewarding! :)

    -Jenny Leding

  2. Good for you, Erin!
    It's always good to get the mundane things done, it really is so rewarding! :)

    -Jenny Leding


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