
Thursday, September 18, 2008

On My Nightstand

First off - we never had nightstands, until yesterday. We found the perfect ones! We wanted something that was rather smallish, not heavy looking, but not girly, froo-froo. These black iron ones are great companions to our bed, which is also black cast iron. Our room is finally nearing completion! We still have a few things to hang on the walls, including a lovely little beveled edge mirror we got as a wedding gift. We need to finally enjoy it!
Back to what is on my nightstand...

Flower Confidential: the good, the bad & the beautiful

I've been reading about flower breeding. Breeding out the scent & delicateness... Shipping flowers across the world, so we can have what we want in the wrong season...

Tending the Heart of Virtue: how classic stories waken a child's moral imagination

This is a great book! I've read about Beauty & the Beast & Pinocchio. Now I am starting on the chapter about Little Mermaid & the Velveteen Rabbit.
I am inspired to become a parent who does some serious reading of fairy tales with my kids.

How Starbucks Saved My Life: a son of privilege learns to live like everyone else

I just started into this last night. So far, so good.


  1. Thanks for the cool book reviews and the nifty amazon links - straight to my Amazon wish lists :) I think the Tending the Heart one actually points to the flower book though...

  2. Thanks Julie! I fixed that link. Oops!

  3. super cute nightstands, Erin! Way to go. I'm not sure what we'd do without ours. Love the flowers too.

  4. Yes! Every parent needs to be one who reads their kids fairy tales, you know to feed the moral imagination and all that. :)

  5. Yes! Every parent needs to be one who reads their kids fairy tales, you know to feed the moral imagination and all that. :)


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