
Friday, August 22, 2008


Now that Gillian is pretty much diaper free, I have been motivated to go back to cloth diapering Peyton. It is wonderful! I love my Proraps! I wish I hadn't waited so long to go back to them. I feel so good about not buying the disposable diapers all the time. Peyton just wears them to bed at night now. And, Gillian is still wearing them to bed at night, too. I tried a diaper free night for her 2 nights ago. And, the panties didn't stay dry, like the diapers had been the few nights prior. Oops. I'll give her a little more time in the diapers for overnight...


  1. these look nice and way easier than the kind my mom used to use, with pins and all. :( I always hated those.

    Yay for Gillian! Its so nice when you start the training, it all goes well and after a week they've still got it. Ethan took 3 weeks total because the 2nd week he totally wanted to go back to diapers.
    The night time thing... I wonder when we're to expect them to stay dry. Ethan drinks a lot of fluids before bed (habit) and so he still wears a pull-up, but Rachel is staying dry most nights. I'm just worried about taking that pull-up off of her "just in case". :)

  2. I love my cloth diapers too! And it's the prorap classic that I use (and a few of the prorap colors). Have you tried double-diapering at night instead of using disposables? It works great for my 3 month old -- he stays contained for over 12 hours! Nifty. :)

  3. p.s. my mom just dropped off a box of pampers swaddlers for me to try (just while we're on our trip). thought you'd cheer. ;)

  4. I finally got tired of buying pull ups for Ezra, so I bought some of the regular training underpants and one of the plastic pull on diaper covers to wear at night (this is what Tiny Tots recommended). Unfortunately, they are not the most waterproof (thankfully there is a waterproof pad under the sheets), but I do hope that Ezra will be able to "feel" the wetness and then wake up to go pee. We'll see. One Step Ahead makes a cotton pull up that looks interesting, but I've never gotten it. You can buy some cloth inserts (not as bulky as doubling the cloth) to go with the regular cloth diapers that I'll sometimes throw in at night with Gianna or Justus, but most nights I get lazy and just put them in a paper diaper. Also, check Jellibeanz, they've got a bunch of used diaper covers at reasonable prices. I tried to buy/sell some used covers on ebay and you can't sell "used" ones anymore. They liken it to used underwear! Now that thought is pretty gross!

  5. Way to go! I did cloth diapers with my 1st two and have fond memories of the cloth diapers drying on the clothes line :)

  6. To a beginning cloth diaper mom, what quantities would you recommend? What's one more laundry load a day, anyway :)

  7. Alright, Jamey!
    I only have about 2 dz of the diapers & about 10 diaper covers - since you want to do the laundry at least every other day.

  8. I like how "only" precedes 2 dozen :)

  9. and just FYI since I really love the way we've ended up doing things...
    I have 3 dozen diapers, 8 covers, and do laundry every 4 days or so.
    It's fabulous and not much work.
    And it never smells bad as long as you rinse each diaper before tossing it in a pail of borax water.
    So simple!
    Just goes to show you that everyone does it differently too though. :)

  10. I loved using cloth with Providence, I did AIO's which I wouldn't recommend now, I like having the wrap separately. Kelsey has some mother-ease diapers, I like that the diaper part snaps on it's own so you can go cover-less if you are ECing. I love that cloth diapers seem to be making a long journey comeback.

  11. Lis - What is ECing?! I wondered that when I first started looking at SIMPLE, & I can't figure out what it stands for... I even asked your mom & she didn't know!

  12. ECing is Elimination Communication which is "potty training" from a very young age, practically infancy. Some of Nick's friends did it with their son and they have had great success! Mark now only has about 1 accident a day and he is 7 months old. Go to this website for info:
    I think is seems like a neat idea. They can go without a diaper for most of the time and then ease right into going on the toilet themselves when they are old enough.

  13. Thanks Krista, for answering probably better then I would have...even a link. I did ECing fairly loosely, Providence wore diapers but went poop in the toilet. I started at about 4 months and changed only a handful of poopie diapers since then, I then introduced underwear around 16-18 months (during the day) and taking diapers away completely around two (meaning those night time ones). The transition was long in someways, I know some people that have their kids in diapers and then switch to undies just like that. But for me went pretty smoothly and I was grateful for not needing to change those poopie diapers each time I took her to the toilet.

  14. ECing is Elimination Communication which is "potty training" from a very young age, practically infancy. Some of Nick's friends did it with their son and they have had great success! Mark now only has about 1 accident a day and he is 7 months old. Go to this website for info:
    I think is seems like a neat idea. They can go without a diaper for most of the time and then ease right into going on the toilet themselves when they are old enough.

  15. I like how "only" precedes 2 dozen :)


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