
Thursday, March 6, 2008

Infected Alreay

Peyton had his 2 week weight check with the pediatrician yesterday & we found out that he has an ear infection. Ah! My poor little buddy. We are praying it is nothing too serious.
He's been fussier since this last weekend, & I have been trying to figure out why. Now we know why...


  1. oh, poor baby!! That's got to be awful. I have a friend whose baby had an inner ear infection when she was 10 days old and they said it was because of fluid that was in there before he was even born.
    Anyway... we'll pray for baby Peyton. Hope it goes away soon.

  2. hehe... before she* was born. :)

  3. UGH! So sorry! Hope you are doing okay. Hang in there!

  4. Awww...poor baby! We'll be praying for him. I love all the pictures, he's so delicious. :-)

  5. Peyton is so cute (and I love then name choice)! Congrats! I've been down 1 computer so when I have time to check blogs I usually just get around to family. Hope all is going well.

  6. Awww...poor baby! We'll be praying for him. I love all the pictures, he's so delicious. :-)


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