
Thursday, March 13, 2008

6 Quirks

I've been tagged. This is the first time. Wow. Thanks, Laura, for making me feel special. But, this is a challenge. 6 things! I'm not that quirky....

Here's the deal -

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2.Post the rules.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag at least 3 people.
5.Make sure the people you tagged know you tagged them by commenting to them.

I'll tag Nini, Julie & Meris.

1) I love to cook & bake, but hate to sample & taste test. I never try the food, until I am serving it. If I feel it really needs a taste test, I make someone else taste it. This habit has brought about some yucky food being served, to be sure... White bean chili with hard beans... Profiteroles with unsweetened filling... pancakes made with detergent...

2) I inform my husband of all the chores I do each day, so he can properly compliment me.

3) When I turn music on in the house, in the morning, I leave the same album playing all day long. So I don't have to bother changing it, I may continue turning that album on for several days in a row.

4) Although I have long hair, I rarely brush it - usually once or twice a week.

5) I love, really love, donating blood. Does that make me somewhere close to masochistic?

6) I have a collection of broken dishes that I have been building for years. It is to make a mosaic tile counter top or floor or some such thing. I still have never learned how to do such mosaic, though.


  1. Well it won't be breaking the rule if 3 people decide to write their quirks...though I guess I still didn't comment them. Very important to be properly complimented! I like telling people about my chores too, or even better - SHOW them what I've done!

  2. Since you went first - I'll admit it too - I have long hair and only brush it a couple times a week. This is because it's usually relegated to the classic mom ponytail. Boring and out of the way. :-)

    Also - I love that you report to your hubby about chores. I do that too, even though mine says we don't give out brownie points for doing what you're supposed to do. :-)

  3. You have had those dishes for I don't even know how long... at least 8 years now?? I want to see results!!

  4. I died laughing at your #2 and I'm a little weirded out by the hair thing. :)
    Reporting what I do everyday... I may need to start doing that! Especially since he gets to come home and tell me what he did.

  5. Stef,
    Since reported to the blog world that I don't brush my hair, I have now been working on that. I have actually done my hair twice this week already...
    Krista - not 8 years. Come on! I know I didn't move that box when we came from our old house over the hill.

  6. Stef,
    Since reported to the blog world that I don't brush my hair, I have now been working on that. I have actually done my hair twice this week already...
    Krista - not 8 years. Come on! I know I didn't move that box when we came from our old house over the hill.

  7. You have had those dishes for I don't even know how long... at least 8 years now?? I want to see results!!

  8. I died laughing at your #2 and I'm a little weirded out by the hair thing. :)
    Reporting what I do everyday... I may need to start doing that! Especially since he gets to come home and tell me what he did.

  9. Well it won't be breaking the rule if 3 people decide to write their quirks...though I guess I still didn't comment them. Very important to be properly complimented! I like telling people about my chores too, or even better - SHOW them what I've done!


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