
Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Tuscan Farmer

Scott was able to get a few garden jobs done today. Our yards are looking really nice.
He also harvested tons of gorgeous Meyer lemons from our tree. See the abundance.


  1. aaaah! Your website looks different! I like it. :)
    The lemons look so yummy. I went to Safeway looking for some lemons the other day and they all looked shriveled up and terrible.

  2. Hi Erin. I really enjoy your blog and pics of your family, etc. Congratulations on baby Peyton! Love, Deanna

  3. I'm green with envy over this. I tried a Shaker lemon tart last summer when Gizdich had them in season...yum! One more thing to miss about California :)


  4. Jamey,
    What a swell idea. I'll make a Shaker Lemon Tart, too. And, I'll
    bring some lemons to you at church!
    Deanna! Great to hear from you. Thanks for visiting our blog!
    Stef - my website was due for a makeover, eh?!

  5. Homegrown Meyer lemons!! *jealous*
    BTW: I have the best recipe for Meyer Lemon cake- if you want it, let me know.

  6. Homegrown Meyer lemons!! *jealous*
    BTW: I have the best recipe for Meyer Lemon cake- if you want it, let me know.

  7. Jamey,
    What a swell idea. I'll make a Shaker Lemon Tart, too. And, I'll
    bring some lemons to you at church!
    Deanna! Great to hear from you. Thanks for visiting our blog!
    Stef - my website was due for a makeover, eh?!


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