
Saturday, February 16, 2008


I have finished all my "Peyton" projects. So, I now I am ready for him to come. (This week would be perfect - how about it boy?) We are going to go walking today. Apparently,
that's the trick to bring on labor, right?

Here is his baby quilt. I like the way it turned out. The bobbin on my sewing machine was acting up, just as I was finishing the assembling. So, I decided to try hand-quilting. I didn't do anything fancy, or much of it. I only did 8 squares. But, it was fun & good practice.
The backing is an off-white baby corduroy that I already had, & the grayish brown squares are some scraps of (really soft) flannel that I had. Oh, and the blue on blue dot I already had, from I don't know when or what project. It was just sitting in a box.
The rest is new -from an adorable little sewing shop in Carmel, called Findings. Be careful. The tiny place is packed full of things you will want to take home, if you choose to step foot in there.


  1. Good luck! I hope the walking helps. I think its only helped me when I'm in active labor. But you never know. :)

  2. Love the quilt! One day I will attempt my own...


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