
Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Here's what we are eating for dinner tonight - Maple-Soy Glazed Salmon.
It sounds kinda strange, but believe me, it's good. My favorite thing about it, is that it works as a great no-planning-required-meal. We keep the Salmon from Costco in the freezer. And, the few ingredients that you use for this are really easy to keep on hand. We always have them. Soy Sauce, Maple Syrup & Chipotles are all things that virtually never go bad. Oh, & rice. That doesn't really go bad either. And, we often have edamame in the freezer. So, the whole meal is pretty much a thoughtless production.
Then, after dinner, my love is taking me to the movies. We will see Transformers. Should be very romantic.


  1. the salmon sounds fab. we buy the salmon fillets from Costco as well. So... do tell... how romantic was Transformers?? :)

  2. Very romantic. Movies with explosions are always so good for dates. - Really. I liked it a lot!

  3. Good! I'm glad. Yes, the more explosions means more holding onto his arm. We love going to the movies together... even though I'm more the type that would rather wait and rent the DVD. There's something super fun and romantic about leaving your kids with a sitter and going to the movies together. Dates for married couples are the best. We're (trying) to have a couple a month.

  4. Good! I'm glad. Yes, the more explosions means more holding onto his arm. We love going to the movies together... even though I'm more the type that would rather wait and rent the DVD. There's something super fun and romantic about leaving your kids with a sitter and going to the movies together. Dates for married couples are the best. We're (trying) to have a couple a month.

  5. the salmon sounds fab. we buy the salmon fillets from Costco as well. So... do tell... how romantic was Transformers?? :)


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